

☆ Catching ayu fish in Arashiyama, Kyoto♪ ☆

Do you like ayu fish, SARUDONO and USAHIME? monkey lord(SARUDONO)  Of course!  Even in the Edo period (1603-1867), when ...

☆ Fauchon Hotel Kyoto – One day only! Rose Flower Arrangement ☆

The other day I told you about an accommodation plan that includes a rose bath at the Fauchon Hotel Kyoto, but what's mo...

☆ Gion Festival in Kyoto ♪ Seats for spectators are now on sale! ☆

Fidgety, fidgety, fidgety. monkey lord (SARUDONO)  Why are you so nervous, Usahime?  Princess rabbit(USAHIME) Yes, sir. ...

☆ Fauchon Hotel Kyoto Enchanting rose bath ☆

Sarudono、Usahime、 I got some great information♪ monkey lord(SARUDONO) What's with the loud voice?  Princess rabbit(USAHI...

☆ Wind Chime Temple of Heart Window in Kyoto  Healing Tones ☆

Lean ♪ Lean ♪ ♪ Lean ♪ monkey lord(SARUDONO)  Somewhere I hear a good tone coming from ♪  The sound of wind chimes ♪ mon...