

☆ Mother’s Day gift Heart is important ☆

It's almost Mother's Day. Do you have any plans to give her a gift? I give something to my mother every year, This year,...

☆Oak Rice Cake Day ☆

Today is Children's Day in Japan. Children's Day is not only in Japan, China, Korea, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, India, Thai...

☆ Hi-Q! volleyball Noble figure ☆

Animation film "HIQUE THE MOVIE! The Battle of the Garbage Dump" which has been in theaters since February 16th. I heard...

☆ Craft Gyoza Festival in Japan How much can you ? ☆

Do you like dumplings? I love dumplings more than any other food. The best gyoza is, after all, the baked gyoza! Crispy ...

☆ Koinobori carp streamers on Tokyo Tower Where’s Wally ☆

Children's Day is coming soon. In Japan, there is a custom to celebrate May 5 as Children's Day. Speaking of Children's ...