☆ Until we meet again… ♪ Thank you so much♪ ☆


monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 Are you working on your computer again?  

Yes, I’m writing a blog post.

Princess rabbit<br>(Usahime)
Princess rabbit

 You seem to be spending a lot of time on this.

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it seems that almost no one is looking at your blog.

That is so・・・。

Princess rabbit<br>(Usahime)
Princess rabbit

 You’ve been devoting so much time to writing blog posts that you haven’t been able to do much reading, which you love.  

That’s right・・・。

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 Why don’t you take a break from blogging for a while?    

Princess rabbit<br>(Usahime)
Princess rabbit

 Yes, that’s right!

 You can start again when you feel like it!   


I will do so!

Well, I will take a break from this blog, which I started in April.

I am very grateful to all of you who have been reading it.

Thank you very much.

I may reopen the blog again when I feel like it.

In that case, please check my blog again!

Take care, everyone~♪♪♪


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