

The other day, we talked a little about maiko and geigi,


I’d like to briefly summarize the differences between a maiko and a geigi.

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord


 I came from the Edo period (1603-1867), and it was during this time that the maiko and geigi of today were born.

 There were tea shops in front of Kitano Tenmangu and Yasaka Shrine that served tea and dumplings to visitors.

 At first, they only served tea and dumplings, but gradually the women of the teahouses began to perform dances and songs, and people began to gather.

 In today’s terms, they are geigi.

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord


 In order to attract more customers to their stores, teahouses began to dress girls in beautiful kimonos and have them dance.

That was the beginning of maiko!

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 That’ true. 

Oh, by the way, in Tokyo

maiko are called han-gyoku and geigi are called geisha.

Difference between MAIKO and GEIGI

Ageabout 15~2020~
Hair stylenatural hair
( with a flower ornament )
ClothesFurisode kimono with raised shoulders and sleeves
Sleeves are short.
A plain pattern.
Obilong hanging obivery common way of tying a woman’s kimono sash
( Zori made of paulownia wood with a height of about 10 cm )
Zori or Geta

Maiko live in a yakata during their training period until they become full-fledged apprentices.

During that time,

they are not paid a salary, but have an allowance.

However, living expenses, training fees, costumes, etc.,

are all taken care of by the yakata!

After the training period is over,

they become geigi!

From living in a yakata to living alone.


The cost of costumes, which until now has been paid for by the yagata.

But now geigi has to pay for all of them herself.

Kimonos and obis are expensive. 

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 It’s not easy.  

Maiko and geigi rarely work with water, because they do not want to look like they are living in a house.

This is because when customers see a MAIKO or GEIGI’s hands, if they have rough skin, it looks like they are married…

monkey lord<br>(SARUDONO)
monkey lord

 I see. 

By the way

The fee for inviting geigi or maiko to sit in the tour is the same price.

For your information☆

Rakuten Travel


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