☆ melon run in Ibaraki, Japan ☆


Yesterday and the day before yesterday

We had strawberries, so today I’d like to talk about melons.

Ibaraki Prefecture ranks first in the nation in melon production.

The unique melon marathon is held every year in Ibaraki Prefecture.

Ibaraki Melon Melon Run Mito Kairakuen

The course runs through Kairakuen Park, one of Japan’s three most famous gardens.

What makes it unique?

Generally, water stations are set up at various locations during a marathon,

in this Melon Melon Run

What a surprise! in addition to water stations,

there are melon supply stations!

Apparently, you can eat all the Quincy melons and other melons (orange-fleshed melons) you want!

Isn’t it too gorgeous?

The date is June 9, 2024 (Sunday),

but the deadline for entry is 23:59 on Monday, May 20, 2024, the day after tomorrow.

You who love melon and love to run!

Hurry up~~!

Please check our HP for more information.

茨城メロンメロンラン水戸偕楽園 | メロンを食べ尽くせ 茨城県水戸市 メロン王国「茨城県」の美味しいメロンが食べ放題!日本三名園「偕楽園公園」を走るコースをご堪能ください。 (melonmelon-run.jp)

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